These days its very common to hear, “Oh there’s an app for that”, when looking for a solution to a range of problems. Well, there is truth in that saying. In today’s digitally-focused world, you can find an app for almost any activity under the sun, from hunting ghosts to metal detecting.

In the professional realm, the use of apps is becoming more prevalent. Given your average vehicle is a literal hub of technology it's not surprising that app's with a firm driver focus are becoming more popular and also widely accepted.

So one month down in 2020. Perhaps like us you’ve been doing a bit of reminiscing about the Christmas holiday…hitting the beaches, enjoy everything NZ has to offer. Aren’t holidays grand! But you know what isn’t grand, holiday traffic. And the reality is with holiday traffic comes a spike in risk, road related injuries and most devastatingly, a spike in our nation’s road toll.


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It has been a long time coming and we are hopeful that what we have put together here is a platform that can give you an idea of who and what Vehicle Technologies are all about.